Hold Zoom HD Meeting


1. Hold Zoom HD Meeting
1. HD settings in client
2. meeting window
3. active speaker mode
4. bandwidth requirements
5. Full-screen mode

Enable 720p in Pro account

To enable 720p in a Pro account, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/profile/setting

User › PERSONAL › Settings › In Meeting (Advanced)

Admin › Account Management › Account Settings › Meeting


1. Enabling Zoom HD Video
1. Account profile/setting Group HD video
2. Zoom Support backend activation
3. Account scheduling the meeting


sample support request

Christian Prior-Mamulyan Feb 24, 2023, 10:33 GMT+1

Hello Zoom team!

Please activate the Group HD feature on the backend of my account. I already did make the setting in my profile.

BR Christian

Edwin (Zoom) Feb 24, 2023, 13:56 GMT+1

Hi Christian,

Thanks for contacting Zoom Support! This is Edwin and I am here to help.

I understand that you are concerned about enabling the Group HD feature. I am happy to inform you that we have now enabled Group HD as per your request. You can > now get as high as 720p resolution.

We hope this helps. You may also visit support.zoom.us to learn more about Zoom’s products and features.

Best regards, Edwin